Friday, January 22, 2010

Does 15 minutes of fame exist?

Wow, what a week of news..

There has been so much, where should I begin..the crazy California weather, John Edward’s admission, Massachusetts election, the horrible earthquake in Haiti. That doesn’t include the world of technology, the biggest news, the rumors of Apple’s upcoming tablet announcement.

However I feel that every time I turn around the news that dominates is Heidi Montage’s plastic surgery obsession. Really? Is this truly what is important? Should this person have the opportunity to be on the cover of magazines and interviewed on TV shows.

I am not going to lie I am definitely someone who enjoys reading tabloid magazines such as People and US Weekly. In addition, I regularly tune into Extra, Access Hollywood or TMZ. But even I am tired of seeing so much attention focused on these types of individuals.

The saying, 15 minutes of fame, definitely doesn’t apply to everyone. It seems that more and more often the 15 minutes is expanding into months and in some cases years.

So what is the draw? What is it that keeps them in the stoplight longer than most deem necessary?

Are they really newsworthy? Is the public that disinterested in the worldly news that they tune in. Or do they have really good press agents?

I am not really sure, I think the jury is still out on those questions. I do hope the 15 minutes of fame ends in 2010..

Changes are a comin...

Well after blogging for a few years, it is time to make some change. The new look, feel and name will allow me the freedom to blog on more topics..

Changes are taking place now, keep your eyes open!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Here is to 2010..

The year of 2009 will go down as a year I will mostly like and quickly, put in the past. There have been ups/downs and craziness but as I enter the holidays and watch my kids have so much fun with everything, I come back to remembering what I am thankful for at this time of year. Yes, it has been a bumpy year, however I have two great kids, my husband and a roof over my head. I think when the going get bad, we forget about the good things and focus almost 100 percent on the negative.

So, 2010, I am ready for you, lets bring it on, ups and downs!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blog Posts

Well, yes I have taken a big break from writing on my blog but everyone who follows me...I AM BACK..

Just wanted to add this quick post, but going to start a dialog regarding Christmas, the kids and PR..

Stay tuned :)..